Wild at heart book chapter summary
Wild at heart book chapter summary

wild at heart book chapter summary

The Captivating: Heart to Heart - a Study Guide was developed to be used with the DVD series Captivating Heart to Heart, and as a companion for book Captivating.

wild at heart book chapter summary

CD-Rom with Facilitator's Guide and Promotional Materials.Designed for personal use as a companion to the book Wild at heart, it guides you through deeper, further study than most groups have time for.

wild at heart book chapter summary

The Field Manual is a lengthier text with more questions to process and places to explore with God than the Participants Guide. And there are several other ideas for the logistics of leading a group listed in the facilitator's guide that comes with the Band of Brothers DVD. You could do this study in eight weeks, or, because the content is prone to generate good discussion, and the leader may be inspired to throw in some other movie clips or linger on specific sections, it could easily last longer. The video series is presented in eight parts-each about 35 minutes long. When your group gathers, you can watch the video series for the week and discuss. The Participant's Guide contains about 120 pages of questions, ideas to discuss and prayers to be used. The ideal approach would be to have each man read the corresponding chapter in Wild at Heart, and do the work in the Participants Guide before you meet. Aleis gives in.We would recommend each person have for the Band of Brothers study series: Nynaeve then moves the coronet back but they pretend it was Damer that channeled. This still has no affect on the Counsel so Cadsuane channels using her Hummingbird to move the coronet from Aleis on to the floor. Cadsuane mentions that the three men with her, Damer, Jahar and Eben are Asha'man. Cadsuane requests that they let her take the Dragon Reborn off their hands but is rebuffed. They enter the chamber where the thirteen Counsels meet and Aleis Barsalla says they are not welcome. Min reports on Rand's condition, which is worsening and Nynaeve comments that the plan won't work. He begins to recite the list of women who died because of him starting with Moiraine and determining to be as hard as he needs to be.Ĭadsuane is on her way to talk with the Counsels about Rand. He is afraid he will be in the cell until Aes Sedai from Elaida come to collect him. He is in a small cell and nightmares from when he was stuffed in a box by Aes Sedai begin to haunt him. Nynaeve thought she could get away with a small amount of channeling to help Rand and Lan, but she was wrong and now Rand and Lan are caught. Nynaeve wishes to return to see if Lan is ok but with help from Alivia she is hauled away.

wild at heart book chapter summary

Min is with her and can tell through the bond that Rand is hurt and probably unconscious. As she moves to create a distraction, she is grabbed from behind by Cadsuane. Suddenly a flood of guardsmen appear and stop in front of the house where the men are. Nynaeve is waiting for Rand and Lan to return to the roof after they deal with Gedwyn and Torval.

Wild at heart book chapter summary